Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cinema is

Cinema is nothing but a series of relationships. The gaze at the object filmed is just a marker of the relationship between the film maker and the subject. Placed next to another shot, a relationship is constructed between not only those shots, but to that sequence and the film maker. When a film is finished it encompasses several of these relationships, and a new relationship with time and how it is experienced.

When projected through light, these relationships are sent over the heads of an audience, and reflected back from the screen to retinas of these people, where these relationships explode into thousands, if not millions more; relationships of people to memory, to hopes, to fears. Time, light, color, sound, these are vehicles for this vast set of relationships that we very simply call a film.

Social histories, personal memories, the concrete and the theoretical, narrative or abstract; a film is what is NOT there, but what is between each element in a perpetually creative whole.

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